Frequently Asked Questions

  • Online therapy is rapidly becoming people’s go-to choice when seeking help. This is due to some benefits that in-person therapy cannot provide.

    Accessibility. Access to your therapist of choice regardless of where you may be located.

    Convenience. Flexibility of scheduling sessions around your life. No need to think about transportation, traffic jams, etc. You can receive therapy from the comfort of your bedroom.

    Affordability. Reduced cost of sessions as therapists don’t have the costs associated with a physical practice. There is also no costs related to travelling to the practice.

  • Online counselling involves having therapy with a trained therapist. It works in the same way as in-person, just that the interaction takes place online.

    Each session usually lasts one hour and is delivered via Zoom. Frequency of sessions can be weekly or fortnightly. You may choose to have sessions on the same day and time every week or a flexible schedule.

    Online therapy is equally as effective as in-person. Interestingly, online therapy began growing in popularity long before the Covid-19 crisis.

  • Yes.

    Research has suggested that online therapy is equally as effective as in person, with some studies actually suggesting that an online modality may be more effective.

  • DBT is an evidence-based therapy that can improve an individual's overall quality of life, going beyond mental health illness. It has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress, as well as decrease thoughts and behaviours related to suicide and self-harm. DBT also incorporates Zen Buddhist mindfulness practices, which may appeal to those seeking spiritual fulfilment.

  • Clients attend therapy sessions via Zoom. Once you book your session via our booking platform, you will automatically receive an email with the Zoom link to join your scheduled meeting. It is important to check the spam folder as sometimes the zoom invites are found there.

  • This largely depends on the frequency of sessions you choose.

    If you choose to attend weekly sessions, it would take a minimum of 18 weeks to go through all the DBT Skills.

    We do not have a minimum of sessions required, and also do not have a capped number of sessions.